Kevin Bridges

The Overdue Catch-Up

Dates Fri 17 – Sat 18 Nov

Time 8:00pm 

Venue Sydney opera house

Tour Information

Kevin Bridges returns with his hotly-anticipated new show.  ‘‘The Overdue Catch-Up” welcomes audiences into the mind of one of the sharpest comedy talents the UK has to offer.  With a career spanning 18 years Kevin Bridges already has the life experience of a man twice his age, helping him to hit the nail on the head with his shrewd outlook on the modern world.

Bridges has previously broken box office records with his last two tours, “Brand New” (2018) and “A Whole Different Story” (2015) going on to win awards from Ticketmaster and Ents24 for Fastest Selling Ticket of the Year.  He was also crowned by Ticketmaster fans as UK’S Ticket of the Year in 2018.

Kevin’s last two tours have accumulated just under 1,000,000 tickets sold across the world including record 35 sold-out-shows at Glasgow’s iconic Hydro, awarding him the most shows at that venue for one artist.

Don’t miss the chance to catch one of the most astute observational comedians around today at the top of his game.

Event Information

Duration: 270 minutes

Event Accessibility: Availability & type of seating will vary. View accessibility.

Age: May Contain Coarse Language & Adult Themes


Mon 20 Nov 2023
Sydney Opera House, Sydney, NSW

Tues 21 Nov 2023
Sate Theatre, Sydney, NSW

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